20 Less known facts about Maharana Pratap
Maharana Pratap was unquestionably the bravest Rajput ruler of his time. He was the only person to face the most powerful Mughal emperor Akbar, also known as Akbar the Great in history.
Here are 20 less known facts about Maharana Pratap that aren’t widely known.
- Among Maharana Udai Singh’s other 32 children, he was the eldest. Maharana Udai Singh, his father, was also the founder of Udaipur.
- He was 7 feet and 5 inches tall, a magnificent figure.
- He used to carry roughly 360 kilogrammes of equipment on the battlefield, including an 80 kg spear, two swords weighing 208 kg, and 72 kg of armour. whereas He weighed in at around 110 kilogrammes.
- Maharana Pratap had 11 wives, his favourite being Maharani Ajabde Punwar. He had 17 boys and 5 daughters from his 11 wives. (The number of spouses and daughters varies according to historical records.)
- During the days of his struggle against Akbar, he was coronated as the 54th Mewar monarch in Gogunda, 35 kilometres from Udaipur, on the advice of Mewar nobles and people of Mewar.
- After Udai Singh was vanquished by Mughal emperor Akbar, Rani Dheer Bai, Maharana Pratap’s stepmother, wanted Kunwar Jagmal Singh to become the king of Mewar. However, after much debate and conflict, the court determined that Kunwar Jagmal was unqualified for the role, and Maharana Pratap was appointed ruler.
- Kunwar Jagmal Singh, along with his two brothers Shakti Singh and Sagar Singh, later served Mughal Emperor Akbar.
- In Haldighati, he fought 10000 Mughals with only 3000 warriors. The Mughal army suffered a large number of losses as a result of the Maharana Pratap army’s first attack, which was so forceful that the Mughal army had to retreat several kilometers back to their camp. Pratap used an extraordinary war strategy in this battle, forcing the Mughal army to fight in a tiny mountain pass known as ‘Haldighati Darra,’ which was impossible to access for such a large army.
- Pratap made his horse Chetak charge over the elephant on which Jaipur monarch Man Singh1 was riding at the Haldighati fight, with Chetak’s forelegs on the elephant’s trunk. Pratap then launched an attack with his Javelin on Man Singh, but Man Singh dodged the blow by stooping down.
- Chetak’s leg was damaged by the sword tied to the elephant’s trunk tip while returning his feet.
- It is been said that in the historic battle of Haldighati, Maharana Pratap sliced one of the Mughal commanders Behlol Khan into two along with his horse into two.
- During the battle of Haldighati, Jhala Maan, who looked a lot like Maharana Pratap, advised him to leave the battlefield because his dear horse Chetak had been injured and Jhala Maan wored Maharana Pratap’s crown. The Mughals assaulted Jhala Maan, mistaking him as Maharana Pratap, and Jhala Maan was killed in the battle.
- We all know about Maharana Pratap’s devoted horse Chetak, who gave his life to save his master after rescuing him from a battle. However, Maharana Pratap had an elephant named Ramprashad too who is claimed to have destroyed the Mughal army in the fight. After Ramprasad killed two war elephants, Akbar ordered his forces to capture Ramprasad at any costs, and seven war elephants were dispatched to do so. But his loyalty was always to his master, Maharana Pratap, and in the shed of Akbar, he refused to eat or drink anything, and on the 18th day after his imprisonment, he died.
- Kunwar Amar Singh once attacked the camp of Abdur Rahim Khankhana, the Mughal army’s general, and kidnapped his wives and women as trophy hostages. When Pratap heard of his deed, he scolded him and ordered the women to be released. Abdur was grateful for Maharana’s action and promised not to raise a single weapon against Mewar in the future. Abdur Rahim Khankhana is the Rahim whose dohe and poems we’ve been chanting since we were little.
- Maharana Pratap committed to free Chittor and, in order to do so, he pledged to forego all royal pleasures and live in the jungle, eat on a leaf plate and sleep on a straw bed until he could reclaim Chittor. In honour of the legendary Maharana Pratap, some Rajputs still put a leaf under their dish and straw under their bed.
- He had nothing to eat when he was battling in the jungle, so he created rotis out of grass, which the cat once took, along with the grass roti he made for his daughter. Then he decided to surrender in front of Akbar and wrote him a letter about it. After reading the letter, Akbar was overjoyed and presented it to Prithviraj, a Rajput poet and warrior. In his letter to Pratap, he emphasised in a poetic style that he would not quit or accept defeat from Akbar.
- It had been Akbar’s ambition to capture Maharana Pratap, but he was unable to do so, during his lifetime. Pratap never surrendered to Akbar, even after all the Rajput dynasties had surrendered to him, including Gogunda and Bundi.
- Maharana Pratap fought back hard and used guerilla warfare to win the majority of Mewar back, which became a common war tactic among other fighters.
- He survived a number of fights during his lifetime, but died as a result of an injury sustained when tightening the string of a bow with an arrow in a hunting accident. Even Akbar cried when he heard about Maharana’s death.
- Maharana Pratap remained unconquered for the rest of his life, and it is stated that even Akbar was enthralled by Pratap’s bravery. Maharana Pratap is and will always be a great ruler.
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20 Less known facts about Maharana Pratap